Seed Oil Presses For Cold Press Extraction
For Farm owners and entrepreneurs wishing to enter or expand into the cold press seed oil market, we provide a range of oil presses and filters that cater for all needs. Our range of compact seed oil presses and filters are built by the Kern Kraft Company and feature the latest German engineering technology. Seed oil presses are available in all sizes, from small 8kg of seed per hour, right up to 1000kg/ph. View our range of oil presses and filters
Seed Oil Presses For all Markets
Aquahelios Kern Kraft will work with you and help you choose the correct seed oil presses and filters for the market you choose to provide oil for. Our range of oil presses are fully compatible for supplies to the Food, Cosmetics, Industrial and Protein Meal markets. We can also supply full training to yourselves and all operatives of the presses; making sure your venture into the seed oil supply market is financially successful and rewarding.

Need Help or Further Information?
Telephone us now on +44-(0)-1905-774662 or email us.

Cake Is The Solids Remaining:
The solids remaining after the seed oil has been pressed which we call cake, is not waste. Seed oil cake is an important and valuable part of your business providing a good income or valuable asset for farmers. The market for the cake can be the culinary food market such as gluten free flour or for the animal feed, solid fuel and even lawn fertiliser.
Most seed oil processed cake is a good source of energy and protein. Rapeseed cake can be kept to feed your animals or sold on to other farmers. Sunflower cake is especially valuable since it can be used as high protein high quality feed for dairy cows, livestock and poultry. Flax and Chia can be milled into flour for baking. read more on seed oil cake.
Cold Press Protein Flour Consentrator
The cold press protein flour consentrator, takes cold pressing to an all-new level. The unit has been designed to further separate the protein and shell from the crushed cake, leaving you with flour suitable for human consumption along with animal feed with a low level of protein.
The Concentrator can be used with many applications
- Rapeseed.
- Hemp.
- Walnut
- Wheat.
- Oats.
- Buckwheat.
- Barley and many more applications.
read more on the Protein Flour Concentrator .